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来源:2exam.com 2014-7-3 9:35:10

 1.When asked about the ongoing uproar involving U.S. President Bill Clinton,most people say the affair involves a purely private matter. But many other people regard hid actions as deplorable. personally think the president committed impeachable offences.

  2.When it comes to the increasing use of motor vehicles in Beijing some people think that use should be limited. Others argue that the opposite is true. There is probably some truth to both arguments,but emission controls must be instituted regardless of the number of vehicles.

  3.There is a general debate nowadays about the problem of it inerane workers. Those who object to the rising migrant population argue that increasing numbers lead to rising crime rates and harm social stability. They believe that strict limits should be placed on mi-grants entering China s cities. But people who favor the influx of the cheap labor force,on the other hand,maintain that migrants are needed to supp

  ort the massive urban infrastructure construction program.

  4.It is widely acknowledged that extensive deforestation contributed to heavy summer flooding. Experts argue that China must introduce a massive afforestation program. But I doubt whether afforestation alone will solve the problem.

  5.Most people are of the opinion that wealth provides solutions to all problems. But in spite of the material benefits wealth provides,I believe one should abandon the pursuit of materialism and instead concentrate on the pursuit of happiness.

  6.Many people believe that capital punishment deters crime. But although criminologists have conducted exhaustive research regarding the subject,little evidence exists to support the claim.

  7.An increasing number of people are joining the “Information Age” via the Internet. In reaction to the phenomonon,some say the Inter-net has removed barriers and provided people with immediate access to the world. But do they realize that rapidly advancing information technology can also lead to intrusions of privacy?

  8.The use of guanxi is a widespread method for conducting business, but is it a wise one? The method is now being challenged by more and more people.

  9.These days we often hear about the widening gap between the rich and poor. Some argue the developed world has totally ignored the problem. But has it? Close examination fails to bear out the argument.

  10.We often told that the world is tethering on the brink of destruction. But is this really the case?

  11.The recent rise in crime has aroused(widespread)public concern.

  12.The problem of global warming has recently been in the limelight.

  13.Many nations have been faced with an acute shortage of trained professionals over the past five years.

  14.One of the pressing problems facing our nation(China)today is overcoming disparities in urban and rural income levels.

  15.One of the most serious problems many people talk about centers on the lack of adequate housing space.

  16.Perhaps the most dangerous phenomenon gripping the nation to-day is official corruption which is pervasive in all levels of government.

  17.Inflation is yet another new and bitter truth we must learn to face.

  18.China currently faces an acute shortage of doctors. A recent survey showed only one doctor for every5,000 Chinese citizens.

  19.An increasing number of unprofitable state-owned enterprises in cities throughout the nation are facing closure.

  20.The rapid expansion of urban areas has in many cases encroached on valuable cultivatable land,and led to a general recognition that development must not be carried at the cost of agriculture. The government has attached greater importance to the problem and an increasing number of redundant projects are being terminated.

  21.There is a growing worldwide awareness of the need for strengthened environmental protection.

  22.There has been a dramatic increase in the spread of HIV/AIDS in recent years,with a new study projecting that the dreaded disease will affect over30million people worldwide by the year 2005.

  23.Visitors to this country will inevitably be surprised by the dichotomy between thought and action.

  25.Perhaps no issues are more controversial than euthanasia and abortion,both of which involve taking the life of a human being.

  26.Never before in history has the issue of overpopulation been more evident than now.

  27.The time is right to shatter the myth of a superior human race.

  28.Perhaps it is time to reexamine the idea that college degrees are a guarantee of intelligence.

  29.A growing number of people of people are beginning to realize that wealth is not the sole prerequisite for happiness.

  30.There is a growing awareness of the need to plan for old age.

  31.In spite of the extraordinary progress made in science and technology,problems remain in terms of guaranteeing that achievements benefit the greatest number of people.

  32.A famous thinker once wrote that “the greatest threat to mankind is mankind itself!” If this is indeed the case,then the current situation should make us ponder our future existence.

  33.U.S.President Harry Truman once remarked: “The buck stops here!” His view has been confirmed by numerous world leaders who have assumed full responsibility for their actions.

  34.“I feel like I m wasting my time!” That s how one language teacher described her experience at teaching English. Many other teachers have expressed the same sentiment.

  35.“A penny saved is a penny earned!” Many people share the same attitude concerning thriftiness.

  36.“A1,000li journey begins with the first step.” We often hear the saying,but do we really understand what it means?

  37.Large families were once seen as a lessing. Today,however,things are changing and an increasing number of Chinese parents realize that fewer is better.

  38.People used to place total reliance on the government. The so-called “iron rice bowl” prevailed in the past,but things are quite different today.

  39.Severay years ago,Chinese streets were filled with people wearing identical drab clothing. Today,however,things are quite different and the streets are awash with people wearing fashionable bright colored outfits. Why has the change taken place?

  40.Years of observing human behavior has enabled me to conclude that the major difference between mediocrity and success lies solely with the individual concerned. Successful individuals consistently seek advancement,while their less industrious contemporaries are merely content with the status quo.

  41.Traditional ways of thinking have changed dramatically. The pendulum has swung and people are exhibiting greater open minded-ness and a burning desire to determine their own destiny.

  42.There has been undesirable trend in recent years towards the worship of money. A recent survey showed that X percent of respondents ranked getting rich as their top priority,compared to X percent only a few years ago. Why do people fail to realize that wealth does not necessarily bring happiness?

  43.Some months ago,a friend of mine was killed in a tragic automobile accident involving a drunk driver. The incident was far from rare,and was in fact typical of thousands of cases involving people driving under the influence of alcohol.

  44.I recently read a newspaper article on the rampant spread of child abuse. The deplorable problem of the widespread abuse of innocent children has aroused public concern nationwide.

  45.A friend of mine who once had an extramarital affair is now contemplating divorce over the recent infidelities of his wife. Should he judge his wife different than himself? We often face the need to make judgemental decisions concerning dilemmas in our daily life.

  46.There was once a man who lied to prove his unquestionable integrity. The story might be apocryphal,but the underlying moral has continuing relevance even today. Lies,even little white lies,eventually reveal themselves.

  47.Should parents spare the rod and spoil the child? Opinions concerning strict parental discipline vary widely. Some view strict discipline as nothing more than a form of abuse,while others argue it is an essential factor for instilling appropriate social behavior.

  48.What do you think of the increasing openness accompanying the ongoing sexual revolution? Do you ever fantasize? Answers to these questions should be based on a determination between appropriate and inappropriate behavior.

  49.Why do some governments persist in spending billions of dollars o

  n space exploration when starvation and poverty continue to grip

  many countries throughout the world? This particular question is being raised by an ever increasing number of people.

  50.Judging from the reams of evidence presented,we can safely conclude that the Three Gorges Project will change the lives of an un-t

  old number of people forever.

  51.The ample evidence presented enables us to reasonably conch that

  the scourge of AIDS will be brought under control in foreseeable future.

  52.In conclusion,the trend towards greater multi-polarization inevitably make the world a better place.

  53.We must seek immediate solutions for problems leading to rapid depletion of the earth s ozone layer. If allowed to probe unchecked,the problem will undoubtedly exacerbate glob warming and threaten life as w

  e know it today.

  54.Quite obviously,immediate action is needed to extricate 80 million Chinese people from the grips of poverty in order to remove the danger

  of social unrest and ensure continuing stability.

  55.Any nation which ignores the lessons of history will pay a heavy price.

  56.China needs to reexamine the results of political and social

  modernization in order to ascertain the benefits and indeed the

  detrimental aspects from a new perspective. Otherwise,Various perceived accomplishments might in fact prove to be far from beneficial.

  57.It is essential to heed warnings of potentially catastrophic con

  sequences associated with the Year2000computer bug and,in turn, to attach top priority on finding effective solutions to ensure a smooth transition into the new century.

  58.It is high time we put an end to the deplorable practice of infanticide.

  59.It is essential to adopt effective measures to correct problems related to excessive deforestation.

  60.There is little doubt that immediate action is required to eliminate the scourge of corruption once and forever.

  61.Ensuring clean government is clearly an essential component in nation building. Grooming a government beyond reproach is vital for achieving the goals of socialist modernization.

  62.People nationwide hope the government will engage in even greater efforts to control flooding in the Yangtze and Yellow River valleys.

  63.In short,we must work diligently to make the world a better place for coming generations. We must not persist in pursuits harmful to the environment.

  64.We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption. We must instead continue to recognize the benefits of thrift in order to protect our newfound prosperity.

  65.It is absolutely essential to reverse the irrational misuse of nonrenewable resources. For example,fuel-efficient motor vehicles must be

  developed to reduce oil consumption and alternative energy sources must be found to replace coal.

  66.While achieving success is easier said than done,persistence doe

  s in fact pay off. One of the most important traits of a successful person is self-confidence,another is desire,and still another is determination.

  67.Recognizing a problem is the first step in finding a solution.

  68.Many of the explanations offered thus far are at least to a certain extent valid,but none fully address the problem and the issue must be examined in a wider context.

  69.There are no immediate solutions for reversing the Asian financial crisis,but convincing affected nations to practice fiscal restraint

  will be highly beneficial.

  70.Immediate solutions for solving problems surrounding poverty remain elusive. However,public recognition of the necessity to pro-vide a better quality of life for millions of people will represent the first step in finding effective solutions.

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